Monday, November 30, 2009

Pink, Pink, and more PINK!!

Eric hard at work.
Great job, Eric! Almost done!
Two weekends ago we got the baby's room painted...PINK! I have to say that Eric did most of the work and I was very impressed with his very first painting job. I now have faith in him for bigger painting projects in the near future :) Here are some painting pics! More nursery pics to come once it's finished...

Happy Thanksgiving!

My dad and mom and the turkey...
Molly, Carrie, and Eric...
My mother-in-law and her two boys, Eric and Jeff...
Brother-in-law Jeff and his wife, Lacie.

Our Thanksgiving holdiay break seemed to have come and went so fast. After a short work week for me and school week for Eric, we headed down to Victoria on Wednesday evening to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families.
We spent all of Thursday with the Dahlstrom crew eating lots of turkey, dressing, and fixings....and pie. Then we watched Texas beat the aggies (what a game!!), and then ate more leftovers!
Friday we spent most of the day with the Otto clan. More turkey, more dressing, more fixings, more pie. Bailey enjoyed getting to play with my in-law's dog, Snick.
It's such a blessing to get to spend time with our families and see how excited they all are about our new February arrival. Our baby girl will definitely be loved and I can't even believe she will be here so soon! We have so much to look forward to next Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Run, Carrie! Run!

Carrie and her finishers medal. Molly, Carrie, and me.
Carrie striking a runners pose.
Sunday morning Molly and I road tripped it to San Antonio to watch our sister Carrie run the San Antonio half marathon. After waking up very (very) early, we made our much needed stop at Starbucks and we were on our way to the race. After fighting through the crowds of over 30,000 people we finally found Carrie and got to congratulate her after her big 13.1 mile run! She did awesome and I am so proud of her. After the race we stopped for delicious Mexican food and headed back home to Austin where Carrie enjoyed a long nap! Congratulations Carrie!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome Fall...

Me at 23 weeks.

It's officially November! This is my favorite time of year! The weather is getting cooler and we have started to pull out the winter clothing. I am getting so excited about all of the fall and winter decorations in all of the stores, the holiday movies that are starting to come out, and I can't wait until we start seeing Christmas trees! I'm already ready to put our tree out! I think I should probably wait a few more weeks...
We had a great Halloween evening last night. We handed out candy to all of the adorable trick-or-treaters (unfortunately, our carved pumpkins didn't live long enough to see the kids) while watching UT crush Oklahoma State 41-14! Hook 'em Horns!
Eric and I have also been busy decorating our baby's nursery. At the moment we are in the middle of choosing paint colors. There is lots of pink involved in the nursery so I'm hoping Eric won't sick of the color pink! So far he's totally embracing it! I've had several requests to post a picture of me and my belly. The photo attached was taken on Friday night and I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant (just over 5 months). I know the sweater is a bit bulky but it's one of the few I have wearing makeup :-)
Happy holiday season to all!!