Sunday, September 26, 2010

Goodbye Summer.... Hello Fall!

Play time.
Good morning!
Trying out her new "big girl" stroller.
Beautiful blue eyes!
Modeling her new boots.
Ready to eat!
Ready for game day!
Big smile!
Just precious.
Story time with Daddy!
Nap time!
Stylish in her oversized sunglassses (thanks Nana for the gift)!
Anabelle playing with her friend Violet Provenzale!
Ready for church!
Cutie pie!
Anabelle & Mommy at the pool!
Anabelle & Pop!
Anabelle & Grammy!
I just can't believe summer is over! It's sad to see the neighborhood pools closing and all the neighborhood kids are no longer playing their daily street baseball games where the Otto mailbox sits as third base..... ahhhh, the burbs.... But, we are welcoming Fall with open arms. Fall/Holiday season is our favorite time of the year! The weather is cooler and we are finally able to enjoy our neighborhood walking trails.
Our summer definitely flew by! We certainly enjoyed it in between all of our allergies, head colds, and ear infections. I feel like at least one person in the Otto household was sick at all times this summer but we are all finally all feeling better. Anabelle ended the summer by getting ear tubes which sounds a bit scary but it will be a good thing since she kept getting ear infections (a total of 4 this summer!). The doctor was amazing and she got the minor surgery in the morning and was feeling back to normal later that afternoon.
We were able to enjoy so many things this summer.....
We took a weekend trip to Austin in August and were able to stay with our friends Sara, Joe, and 1 1/2 year old Chase. Anabelle got to hang out with Chase and they bonded over their mutual favorite Dora the Explorer. The Harris's got a sitter so we were able to double date for dinner and a Bob Schneider concert! Fun times but we realized how old we are getting when we all started yawning around 9:30!!! We also met lots of our Austin friends for lunch at Maudies (our favorite) and we were so happy to get to see the newest addition to the Penley family, Micah! He is adorable with a full head of beautiful dark hair with natural highlights!
Anabelle was able to enjoy visits from both sets of grandparents! We took advantage of the hot summer days by going to our neighborhood pool and beach! She went to her first birthday party a couple of weekends ago! We are enjoying Texas football season and getting together with friends for watch parties! And, this past weekend we spent some time with friends in historic downtown Mckinney for Oktoberfest!
Anabelle is growing so much! She will be 7 months at the end of this week. We can't believe it. She is such a joy and she is such a happy baby. She laughs and smiles all the time and loves playing with Bailey and playing with her toys. She is so close to crawling!! She can "scoot" where ever she wants but hasn't quite figured out how to get on all fours yet. I think she's taking notes from Bailey ;) She has also figured out how to wave! It's pretty darn cute.
Check back soon for a fall update! :)