Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day, Eric!

Yesterday was Father's Day and I wanted to make sure to give Eric a proper shout out and let him know how much we love him and how wonderful of a father he is to Anabelle.

Anyone that knows Eric knows that he was made to be a Daddy. He is so sweet with Anabelle and he has such a gentle way with her. He is so patient with her as she is learning so many new things and I have to admit it's not always easy to be as patient as he is. Not only is Eric an amazing father to Anabelle (and I know he will be our new baby too!) but he is also the best husband in the world (in my opinion). Here are some of the reasons why I love him so much:

* He makes me laugh every day.

* He makes Anabelle have the best belly laugh you could ever hear.

* He can cook!

* When he gets home from work he is in complete "daddy/husband mode" and helps me out with Anabelle, Bailey, dinner, anything I need.

* He is pretty smart :)

* He is oh so handsome!

* He is kind to everyone.

* He loves his Mama.

* He's not afraid to get in there and change a stinky diaper.

* He's a family man.

* He has the best work ethic I have ever seen in a person.

* He works so hard every day so I am able to stay home with Anabelle.

Honestly, I could go on for days but these are just a few highlights. :)

Eric, thank you for being the BEST husband I could ask for. I love you more than everything. And, thank you for being the father that you are. I thank God every single day that you are my husband and can't wait for everything the future brings to our family.

This is the breakfast I made Eric for Father's Day. It's French toast....... with gravy. I know what you're thinking.... and I agree. But, this is how his mama made it when he was growing up and this is what he wanted.

This is Anabelle giving her Daddy her musical card. He loved it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Well, it's officially summer. It's been 100 degrees the past few days and we are spending lots of time in the air conditioned house. We have gotten out to the pool a few times and when it gets cooler at night we are spending time in the backyard. Now that Anabelle is walking like a pro she likes to play in the grass, on the slide, and run after Bailey. She loves to throw bouncy balls and she has a pretty good throw! She loves to point out birds and she has started pointing out other babies and saying "baby".


As for baby #2 there's no real update. Everything is still going great and I'm feeling much better than I was a few weeks ago. I am now 12 weeks along and about to enter the 2nd trimester! Wow! I can't believe it! Hopefully we will have some good sonogram pics soon!


Over the next couple of weeks we will be doing major cleaning and packing since we are moving.....again. But this time we will only be moving about 3 miles away. Our lease on our little rent house ends at the end of this month and we have been building a new home over the past several months. We will close on the house at the end of the month and are looking forward to having a permanent home for the next several years. Especially since this will my mine and Eric's fifth residence since we got married 4 years ago! Our new home is in the same neighborhood we are in now which is great and it's walking distance from Anabelle's future elementary school!


Here are some cute pics of Miss Anabelle that I wanted to share!

Happy little girl!

Lunch with Daddy is such a treat!


With Daddy at the "beach".

She looks like such a big girl in this pic.

Lovin' on Bailey.

Lovin' on her Aunt Molly when she came to visit a few weeks ago!

I love this pic! She's just checking out Bailey.

Our family at the Concert in the Park.

Me and Anabelle playing at the playground.